Defining your core purpose
With the start of a New Year, many of us have made resolutions to improve our health and fitness and will have been told about the importance of building a strong core. These muscles in the centre of our bodies hold us upright all day, and keep us stable so that other muscles can work more effectively.
But what’s this got to do with marketing?
Well, like our bodies, a business also benefits from a strong core, in the form of your purpose. Defining your purpose means having clarity on why your business exists and who your key customers are. Your purpose is the strong core that forms the foundation for your strategy, plans and activities. It provides stability, clarity and guidance as you plan campaigns and adjust to opportunities and challenges in the environment.
Why not make it your New Year priority to clearly articulate your purpose?
Some useful questions to consider:
1. Why is/was the business created?
2. Are there goals and objectives that go beyond generating revenue and profit?
3. Who are your customers? And is there anyone else who benefits if you are successful?
4. What problem are you solving for these customers, and for wider stakeholders/society?
5. What makes your solution better than anything that already exists?
The answers to these questions will help tell the story of your organisation’s purpose, which can be a compelling part of your marketing and communications.
Information about your most important customers will also give you the basis of your customer, or audience, strategy. More information and tips on that in a future blog.
Written by Catherine Cherry
Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash